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Welcome to the official site of Name Day celebration.

Who celebrates today?
What is Name Day?
It is an old European tradition. Every day of the year is someone's name. People all across Europe have been celebrating their first names for centuries in the same way you celebrate your birthday.
See for youself.
Why should
I celebrate?
Just ask yourself this simple question: how many people know your first name?
Can you imagine this group of people coming over once a year to shower you with gifts
and throw you the best party you have ever encountered?
All in celebration of your name.
In effect, it is like having a second birthday. And yes, nobody will ask you about your age!
Where is it celebrated?
Europeans not only have birthdays but celebrate their name as well. Birthdays are usually celebrated just by immediate family. Names, however, are widely known and celebrated. Each first name is assigned to one day in the calendar, based on religious traditions, historical events, the birthday of a famous person who had the same first name, or on other facts. For example, the church feast of Saint Michael is held on September 29th, and as a result, the name for Michael is on September 29th. In some countries (Greece) names are more celebrated and are more important than a birthday. Gifts include flowers, chocolate, a bottle of good wine, etc.

It wasn't easy finding a place for every name. After selecting over 2,000 of the most popular first names in the United States and Canada, we spent eight solid months researching North American history so that we could place this new set of names on the proper dates.
More here.
For example, we chose a name day for George on February 22. This is the day when George Washington, the first president of the United States, was born. As you can see, Europeans are proud when it comes to celebrating their names. It was important to us to make a name celebration for you, in a truly American way.
You wish a person Happy Name Day, and buy a present like flowers or a box of chocolates. Remember to send a Greeting Card or send a salutation from this page.
Please tell your friends about the Name Day celebration so they can enjoy it also.
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Happy Name Day to all of you!